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Baby humor

Jokes :
  Letter : B 

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N 4: Quote about baby and candy
If you're using the phrase "easy as taking candy from a baby", try taking candy from a baby.

N 3: Joke about baby and stork
- Mom, where do tampons go?
- Where the babies come from, darling.
- In the stork?

N 2: Joke about girlfriend and baby
So much has changed since my girlfriend told me we're having a baby. For instance my name, address and telephone number!

N 1: Joke about baby
Dad: Say daddy!
Baby: Mommy!
Dad: Come on, say daddy!
Baby: Mommy!
Dad: F:::ck you, say daddy!
Baby: F:::ck you, Mommy!
Mom: Honey, I'm home!
Baby: F:::ck you!
Mom: Who taught you that?
Baby: Daddy!
Dad: Son of a b:::tch.

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